Monday, October 3, 2011


I took my daughter to the art store to get a mannequin to help with her drawing and... ooooh LOOK! Wood carving tools. I hadn't played with them since high school so just had to have them. Flexible fabric paint was half price so I decided to make stamps for fabric decoration.

I used the triquetra stamp on t-shirt material and used it for a bag. Then I decided to make stencils by printing out designs, taping plastic sheets (from miscellaneous plastic packaging) over the top with masking tape and cutting out the design with a craft blade.

I love the biohazard symbol.

I also did a dalek and a radiation symbol.

These little guys are Kodama (tree spirits from the anime film Princess Mononoke). They're so cute I just had to make a stencil print. Not sure what I'll use the fabric for yet...

This leather wallet was given to me by a friend who was clearing out her possessions for an international move and I converted it into a knitting accessory kit. Safety pins and sewing needles are kept on credit-card-sized plastic pieces covered with fabric and I used a knitted cover for the tapestry needles. It's great to carry around with my knitting project du jour.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

World's Laziest Blogger Strikes Again

Why yes, I did cut my own hair... why do you ask? Living on the poverty line has its drawbacks. I could choose to go to a hairdresser, but what would I be willing to sacrifice in return? Having just paid a couple of thousand dollars for my daughter's "free government schooling" I once again seized the scissors and chopped my hair. By the time I managed to get all the bits looking even I ended up with what can only be described as "The Pixie Cut" (move over Emma Watson). Maybe if I dye it bright purple people will be so preoccupied by the colour they won't notice the shape... or I could knit a summery hat with the organic cotton yarn I bought on sale for a dollar a 50g ball...

I live by the motto: There's nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of good knitting. Menopausal hot flushes (combined with medication that makes me sweat excessively) have sent me scurrying to make sweat bands and small knitted cotton cloths with which to mop my brow. Plunging v-neck tops (why do manufacturers think that v-necks have to go down to the brassiere?) have prompted metallic silver diamond lace inserts to preserve my modesty and the lunch-holding-down ability of the general public. Actually, I would love to knit a black lace covering for an umbrella one day...