Saturday, July 21, 2007

First Post

It wasn’t until I started to hang out with ‘New Agers’ that I realised how seriously problematic they were.

Take my ex-husband – please! While we were together people kept saying that because I had a 5 in my numerology chart I had hidden agendas – and slowly backed away from me accordingly. Meanwhile, to cut a long story short, my ex-dearly-beloved was pretending to love me for my bank account (which was seriously mediocre by today’s standards and I have no idea why he bothered) and having multiple affairs behind my back. So… what do you think they said about him? Worshiped him like a demigod, said his numerology chart indicated that he came into this world with no karma (methinks he has some now) and treated him as if white light came out of his anal sphincter.

Consequently there are no white lights, rainbows or mung beans in my household now.

But there is knitting… and crochet, cross stitch, sewing, beading, quilting, gardening, cake decorating, tile mosaic, some rather rudimentary carpentry, two cats, three rabbits, a guinea-pig and a beautiful daughter.

And ‘Barbies’. I still have one of my own from the 70s – the rest are my daughter’s. The best thing about Barbie is making clothes for her. I have a serious wardrobe of knitted, crocheted and home-made clothes created by myself, my mother and my grandmother – three generations of Barbie clothes. Yes, she even has a 70s cat suit and pink bunny slippers (pictured with a pink dressing gown made by my mother and white cotton PJs that I made).

1 comment:

Red Sarenity said...
