Monday, July 30, 2007

I has a cold

Well, I finished my needle roll for dpns and crochet hooks... being sick in bed has some advantages, I guess. It's a fabric roll with a strip of knitted 9-stitch plait to slip the needles through.

Have also been working on my second sock (I'm up to the heel flap), my second slipper sock (just finished the fluffy cuff) and my 'Frankenglove'.
Think I'd better finish off the pairs before starting more new projects *sigh*.
OK - make that no more projects with pairs...
That means I can make Harry Potter book scarves :)

But for now, it's back to bed urgghh!

1 comment:

Lutra said...

Just so you know, I'm still shuddering over that glove...
How did you do the nails?